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Give your brand a face people can trust.

Celebrity ambassadors can boost your digital presence by:

  • Increasing the quality and quantity of your brand’s reach

  • Establishing your brand as a trusted choice

  • Making your brand worth remembering

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VCM’s talents are dedicated partners. They will embody your brand’s values, and channel them through quality content that engages with your target audience.


For years, we have connected brands with big names like Robin Padilla, Mariel Rodriguez, Jasmine Curtis-Smith, Megan Young, Mikael Daez, Joyce Pring, Daniel Padilla, Kathryn Bernardo, and more.

Our Partners

Our Story Tellers

Blue Smoke

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Download our free ebook now and browse through our wide selection of celebrity ambassadors! Feel free to send us a message; we’ll be happy to help you find not just the right face, but the right partner for your brand.

Influencers who want
better content and wider reach

Brands that want to get connected

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© 2020 VCM The Celebrity Source

All rights reserved.

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