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Lessons of love and appreciation from the VCM Family for the Holy Week

Updated: Jul 28, 2020

WITH the Holy Week coinciding with the enhanced community quarantine of Luzon, we at VCM have more time to reflect on our actions and learn lessons about life as our Managing Director Elizabeth “Betchay” Alviar-Vidanes gave us the privilege of a work-from-home setup so we can take care of our health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here are some summary of the reflections done by the VCM family that we want to share with you all:

  • We don’t have the control of everything around us, we can only control our own actions

  • It won’t hurt us to be humane, and to follow the rules

  • We should not take our family time for granted, take advantage of the bonding times while we can

  • We all have the capacity to help others. It may not be the grandest of gestures likes others can do to the people in need, but we are still capable of helping others

  • Our lives are more important than money and fortune

  • Our material possessions can vanish in a snap, but our memories and relationships with others will forever remain in our hearts

  • Save resources while you can—it is best to have emergency supplies before an emergency happens

Of course, the most important thing to do during this Holy Week is to practice your faith. Being in communication with Him will give you a clearer head and you will be able to reflect on many things that you need to think about; like relationship with family and friends, how to help others the best way you can, how to give courage to others and so on.

This Lenten season, we wish everyone to be safe and sound, and to reflect and appreciate the things and memories that we have right now so we can be better people moving forward.

[April 09, 2020]

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