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Updated: Jul 28, 2020

Podcasts have actually been here for like forever. But why did it suddenly become a hit in this day and age? It was around February 2019 when the music-streaming platform Spotify acquired Gimlet, which was a podcast publisher. This attracted a lot more people to try and listen to podcasts. But why is it very much in-demand now? Aside from having entertained, informed and inspired, people actually listen to podcasts for a feeling of companionship.It makes a person who is listening that he/she isn’t alone. Also, another reason why people prefer podcasts nowadays is because the publisher or the host has a much wider and varied topic options that they can choose from. Whether it may be informational subject, political discourse, narrative stories or even faith-based topics. And since it doesn’t need to be approved by a director or monitored by a board, it tends to be more authentic and real.

VCM has its own Podcasters as of the moment. Three of our in-house artists are producing their own podcast platforms. Joyce Pring started “Adulting with Joyce Pring,” last quarter of 2018. Her topics are heavily into self development especially for millennials. She tackles topics like relationships, career decisions, dealing with emotions and a whole lot more. Joyce was a radio jock before she fully ventured in being a TV and events host. Hence, her being a very effective and engaging podcaster whom listeners are very fond of. Joyce, as a speaker, is very witty yet insightful. A lot of millennials get a lot of practical and useful tips from her platform. While newly-weds Megan and Mikael Daez started their own podcast as a couple entitled “Behind Relationship Goals.” Then, boyfriend and girlfriend Meg and Mik started this platform as a channel to tell stories of them as a couple. They only announced their relationship six years into the relationship, which led to a lot of curiosity from their fans. Mik and Megan have shared a lot of stories in their podcast such as how they first met, their fights and even when they reached their biggest milestone as a couple which was their wedding. Listeners love to tune in to these two because of how real and relatable their relationship is.

In this day of Digital Age, advertisers are slowly also taking advantage of this not-so new platform as a channel to promote their brands. One advantage of using the podcast as an advertising vehicle is the authenticity that this platform has. Another good reason to invest on podcasts to promote your brand is that based on research by an advertising website, 75% of podcast listeners not only pay attention to podcast ads, but they also follow specific calls to action after hearing them. The key to an effective campaign through podcasts is finding the perfect fit. In podcasts, you can easily determine the audience of a specific account. It will be easier for you to catch the attention of your potential customers when you find the right target listeners for your campaign.

Written by: Yish Martin, Celebrity Brand Manager

[April 28, 2020]

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